R-107-1-0124009-Career Planning in Department of Fragrance and Cosmetic Science
Course Period:Now ~ Any Time
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Course Introduction
Course Plan
生涯規劃的基本要素 生涯规划的基本要素 The basic elements in your life plan
個人自傳撰寫 个人自传撰写 Write a personal autobiography
安全求職和面試技巧 安全求职和面试技巧 How to ace an interview
典範人物專訪 典范人物专访 Exclusive interview of Road model
從成功者例子發掘自我定位(邀請演講) 从成功者例子发掘自我定位(邀请演讲) Excavated self-positioning from successful examples
職業六宮格和職涯憧憬卡 职业六宫格和职涯憧憬卡 Prospect of potential career
職場倫理 职场伦理 Ethics in your workplace
小組分享 小组分享 Group share
期中書面報告 期中书面报告 Mid-term report
名人傳記分享 名人传记分享 Biographies share
個人生涯評估與規劃 个人生涯评估与规划 Personal career assessment and planning
個人生涯規劃小組分享例 (邀請演講) 个人生涯规划小组分享例 (邀请演讲) Career planning example (invited talk)
個人生涯規劃範例 (邀請演講) 个人生涯规划范例 (邀请演讲) Career planning example (invited talk)
構思二十年後的我 构思二十年後的我 What will I be after two decades
小組分享 小组分享 Group share
分組報告 分组报告 Team report
分組報告 分组报告 Team report
期末報告 期末报告 Final report
Teacher / 陳惠亭
Teacher / 待聘10
Teacher / 林雅凡