报名期间:从 即日起 到 无限期
上课期间:从 即日起 到 无限期
Introduction to the course
Genes, Environment Health and Disease- Facing up to Complexity
Detection of Gene-Gene Interactions
Exploiting Gene-Environment Interaction to Detect Genetic Associations
Strategy for Detecting Susceptibility Genes with Weak or No Marginal Effect
The Use of the Restricted Partition Method with Case-Control Data
The Impact of Genotype Misclassification Errors on the Power to Detect a Gene-Environment Interaction Using Cox Proportional Hazards Modeling
Symbolic Modeling of Epistasis
Assessing Environmental Modifiers of Disease Risk Associated with Rare Mutations
Accounting for Epistasis in Linkage Analysis of General Pedigrees
Cancer and the Environment--The Links Between Environmental Factors, Genetics, and the Development of Cancer
Gene-Environment Interaction in Special Populations
Gene-Environment Interaction in Site-Specific Cancers
Powerful Cocktail Methods for Detecting Genome-Wide Gene-Environment Interaction
Genetics in the Workplace-- Implications for Occupational Safety and Health
Advances in human genome epidemiology: implications for occupational health and disease prevention
教师 / ChuangHung-Yi